On 10:00 AM by Michael Kisula L.
The United Republic of Tanzania is the only country in Africa, and perhaps in the world, that within a span of 40 years has gone through rapid and radical transitions – from a colonial system to a programme linking rural households to social services, to a market economy – without sacrificing basic democratic ideals and social equanimity. During the process, all of the country's social, political and economic institutions underwent drastic transformations, to adjust and conform to rigid national guidelines and priorities. Such changes seriously affected the economy, and resulted in a gradual and protracted decline of all growth indicators during the 1970s and 1980s. Since then, the country has recovered significantly, mainly through the implementation of various structural adjustment and restructuring programmes led by the government with the help of a coalition of donors. This recovery has made the country a trend setter in Africa, particularly in terms of adapting to new ideas, dismantling tribalism and ensuring an intrinsic balance between a market economy and social justic
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